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General Life Lately Travel

Glorious memories of 2014

January 4, 2015
Deadmau5 in India, Bangalore

2014 was a glorious year and here are a few of my favourite memories from the year gone by.

Our room opened up to the most breathtaking view

Our room opened up to the most breathtaking view

My friend and I travelled to Sri Lanka last year and we stayed at a beautiful homestay in Kandy. Located on top of a hill, Hanthana Homestay is truly a paradise. Large spacious room, delicious Sri Lankan food and friendly hosts made our stay there extra special. The owner whose name I have forgotten gifted us a bracelet on our last day there and I thought it was a very sweet gesture. Every time I look at the bracelet, it reminds of how great the trip was!

Deadmau5 at Sunburn Supernova Arena, Yelahanka, Bangalore

A girl in the washroom asked me how old I was, when I said 27, she said ‘oh’!

My cousin M, who is a big fan of Deadmau5, very generously offered to take me to the concert and it was an absolute blast! The crowd, the music…was all so perfect. That evening was so magical that we could barely sleep that night. Seeing M let go and sway to the music made me all the more happy!

Above & Beyond

I highly recommend giving this album a listen

When I met R for the first time, I didn’t know we would ever come this far. One of the very first gifts he gave me was an Above & Beyond cd and a box of chocolates which remind me of our initial courtship period. It was all so exciting and fresh and I loved the whole discovering-each-other phase.

My lovely parent-in-laws

My lovely parent-in-laws

I spent an entire afternoon with my parent-in-laws looking at R’s baby pictures. He is so cute that I wanted to gobble him up. I still can’t get over his cuteness. Most importantly, it was an afternoon of scrumptious food and bonding with my new parents – a day I will cherish forever.

R’s baby picture

How cute is naked baby R?

R and I dove into each other’s arms after spending three months apart. That feeling is inexplicable. It was such a perfect day that even the rains couldn’t spoil our mood.

So these are my memories of 2014, what are yours?

PS: We have been extremely slow in updating the blog because we’ve been very busy. With the wedding only 26 days away, there is a lot of last minute plans that need perfecting. Expect regular updates 24th onwards.

Happy New Year, everyone!


Coming Together

December 1, 2014
Coming Together

Like a mother who can’t stay away from her kids for too long, I am back to mollycoddle this little love of ours (we treat the blog like our baby) with an update. With just a few months (two, to be precise) to go for the wedding, everything has reached a feverish pitch. We have been busier, tired-er and generally very preoccupied with all that is happening around us. The fact that we live in two different continents makes this task slightly more difficult and stressful. But we have been coping, because we can see something beautiful and everlasting unfold right before our eyes – the Coming Together of two families.

And that is just one part of the silver lining! 

General Travel

Postcards from US of A

November 16, 2014
Hello, Grand Canyon

Pictures capture the essence of a place much better than words can ever do. Come, take this photo journey with me as I show you the grandeur and mesmerising variety that US of A has to offer.

The "cool" Miami look :)

The “cool” Miami look 🙂

Niagara Falls - Up, close and personal

Niagara Falls – Up, close and personal

Niagara Falls yet again

Maid of the Mist, Niagara Falls

Segway tour. An ideal way to see Chicago

Segway tour. An ideal way to see Chicago

View from Skydeck Chicago

View from Skydeck Chicago

The picture says it all

The picture says it all

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Welcome, in different languages

Welcome, in different languages

That mandatory picture - Universal Studios

That mandatory picture – Universal Studios

Hoover Dam Bridge

Hoover Dam Bridge

The mighty Grand Canyon

The mighty Grand Canyon

Las Vegas from the Eiffel Tower

Las Vegas from the Eiffel Tower

PS: Chalk these in your itinerary as a few must see places in USA.

General Life Lately Our Story

As Seen By Us

November 14, 2014
Bangalore street photography

Art has the power to move you and make you see a world beyond the realm. A world we often don’t think about. A friend recently shot a thought-provoking picture of an old man. It looked like he was cowering under the weight of the world and his fingers interlocked as if to represent the praying hands. Dressed to the nines and sitting at the footsteps of a closed shop; he painted a very sad picture. This is just my interpretation of the picture, but it could have been anything. He could have been lost in a metaphorical world of his own or truly lost in this cruel, cruel world. My first instinct was to give the man a hug and to reassure him that there’s hope in this place. However, there’s no way of knowing if he was lost or disillusioned with life, but it beautifully depicts the sad reality of life. The busy get busier and the lonely get lonelier and in a bid to live a life of excess we forget to stop and care. We are so self-absorbed that we fail to see the suffering around us. What stood out the most about this brilliantly shot picture is how poignantly it lays bare this harsh truth – there’s a world out there that we refuse to see.

Photo Credits:

PS: Here’s a different perspective of the same picture

General Life Lately

Happy Birthday, Mum!

November 8, 2014
Moms are the best

Mum and I fight a lot but we are still the best of friends. I don’t know when we transitioned from the mother-daughter relationship to my-mother-is-my-best-friend phase but I am so glad we did. I have shared with her every little detail of my life…the good, bad and the ugly and she has only looked at me with kind reassuring eyes without ever being judgmental. My mother has taught me what unconditional love is and how important it is to give without any expectations. She has seen me through sickness, bad phases and every little ups and downs by standing by me like a rock. She has taught me to pick my battles. You win some, you lose some; let it go is an important lesson I have learnt from her. She has taught me to be patient and kind even when the other person is not. She has taught me to see only the good in people. She has taught me that sometimes it is important to put others’ happiness before yours. She has taught me how a few kind words can touch someone’s life. She has taught me what it takes to nurture and grow a loving relationship. She has taught me the value of money and how to save for a rainy day. She has taught me to be respectful of others’ feelings. She has taught me the importance of a prayer.

Above all, she has taught me how to love…

Happy Birthday, Mum!

PS: Her birthday was on November 7 and it should have gone up yesterday but then sometimes life happens.