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New Year


Our New Year with Jar of Awesomeness

December 31, 2015
Jar of Awesomeness

We began a new tradition this year and we hope to continue doing it because it teaches us to be grateful for every day and thankful for all of life’s ebbs and flows. Jar Of Awesomeness is seemingly a simple idea but with a real big impact. The basic idea is you start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes of your experiences as the year goes by and finally read these beautiful memories on New Year’s day.

Our New Year Jar of Awesomeness

On my vanity sits a jar brimming with special moments captured in colourful sticky notes from the year gone by. Every time we accomplished something – big or small, we wrote about it. Every time we had a bitter tiff and made up, we wrote about it. We wrote about our love for each other and for all the countless blessings. These notes are like a testament of our first year of marriage. We leave behind all the lows and look forward to experiencing the highs again.

Happy New Year, everyone!

PS: Thanks for reading our blog even though we didn’t update much; you can certainly expect a flurry of posts in the coming year.