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What Makes Us Happy

October 21, 2014

It is often the silliest and smallest dissatisfactions in life that stop us from being our optimum self. We focus too much on what makes us unhappy that we forget to practice gratitude for everyday things. The purpose of this list is to remind us that there are infinite little things that are capable of making us happy!

10 things that make us happy: 

Happiness is Food

No prizes for guessing what tops the list for L

L Says:

  1. Food; nothing makes me more happier.
  2. Coming back home to freshly made bed.
  3. Pizza. Enough said.
  4. Reading.
  5. Texts from R.
  6. The smell of a new book.
  7. Knowing when something’s worth the wait.
  8. Writing for the blog.
  9. Sleeping next to mum.
  10. Long showers.
Above&Beyond @ Creamfields 2013

When R made it to the front row of an Above&Beyond concert @ Creamfieelds 2013

R Says:

  1. Bangalore – Everything about it brightens me up, after all there’s no place like home, there’s no place like Bangalore.
  2. Watching Manchester United score.
  3. Travel (haven’t been doing much of it lately but that should change soon).
  4. Quitting smoking (all credit to L for this one).
  5. Above&Beyond.
  6. Waking up to an early morning text from L.
  7. Watching the sun rise or set.
  8. Mom’s jaadu ki jhappi.
  9. How L comes up with ways of making me an active contributor of the blog.
  10. Our Infinity!

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